Tuesday, September 10, 2013

She's So Chill?!

Lately so many people have been commenting on how "chill" Lainey is...from family to friends to the doctor!! "Is she always this chill?" Kevin's answer, "No!" (because he mostly sees her crabby time at night). My answer, "actually...Yes!" She loves to just hang out and watch everything that's going on around her, and talk talk talk. She enjoys sitting up in her bumbo - on top of the washer watching me fold laundry, on the kitchen counter watching us do the dishes or cook dinner, in my craft room watching me sew and sing to music, and in the mornings she smiles at herself in the mirror and watches me do my hair. At social outings, she hangs out quietly, listening to me talk...because duh, she was inside me for 9mo and we all know I talk A LOT. Hey, its soothing to her now! At her doctor appointment, the pediatrician was putting things up her nose and in her ears and Lainey just sat so still without a peep. Probably because shes use to me Qtipping her ears after her bath (which she loves) and with all her congestion, she is use to the nose-freida snot sucker up there daily. So yes, she is a pretty chill baby for the most part. Just checking the world out. She gets it from her daddy...cool, calm and collected, well, most of the time ;)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

That's My Girl!

As I picked up Lainey from daycare today, Colleen says to me, "She just LOVES her blankie! She puts it right up to her face and likes to snuggle it." I'm like yep, that's my girl...like mother, like daughter :)

When she gets tired, you can just give her her Nuk and blankie over your shoulder, and she snuggles her face into it, and she's out like a light! LOVE her!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hands & Feet = Stop Swaddling

Lainey is right on with The Bump: Your Baby is 18 Weeks! She doesn't need to be fed as often and she is breaking out of her swaddle!! She eats every 4-5 hours now, instead of every 3 hours. And I just pulled out her bigger 9oz size bottles, and have started making her 5-6oz each feeding. Such a big girl!! She'll definitely let you know when she is hungry and spit it out when her belly is full. As for swaddling...I was getting worried I'd never get her out of her swaddle, because she just loves being snug so much, but lately as I go in for her 3am feeding, and when she wakes up babbling at 7am, her arms are free and her legs are sticking out :) Now if we can just get her into her crib...

Read: When To Stop Swaddling... The Bump says, "nighttime movement helps them enhance their gross motor development, which is crucial for upcoming milestones like crawling, standing and walking." I was going to stop once she started rolling over, but I think she is giving me her cue now.

Also, her hands and feet have totally become her new source of entertainment! She is drooling so much more now, that we've started to make her wear a bib. No teeth yet, that we can see, but they are probably on the move up! Pediatrician says, "She could get them now to 18mo, it's so hard to guess, every baby is different. It could take up to a year to get them all in."

Monday, August 19, 2013


Okay, all my new hair growth from pregnancy is definitely falling out now! It is not falling out in chunks like some people say it does, but it for sure happens 3-4 months after delivery (not right away). I cant even touch my head with out strands of hair falling out. It's annoying because as I hold Lainey, it gets all over her, and stuck in her hands, and that's gross as she's putting everything into her mouth ;) The bathroom floor is just full of it, and I am sure its all over my house. I think for once there's more of my hair on the floor than Colbie hair...our cleaning lady is probably like "wtf this is nasty!?" Hahaha! I have to clean out my brush daily, so our bathroom garbage looks like a birds nest. Sorry Kev! But besides my hair thinning, I could really go for a trim and a new color....Trinity!?!!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

She's a growin'

Today was Lainey's 4 month wellness check up! She weighs 12 pounds, 1 ounce and is 23-3/4 inches tall! ...still our little peanut girl :) Pediatrician said we can start her on rice cereal! "2-3tsp twice a day, mix with formula, keep it really runny. It's just for practice right now, not for calories, so keep up with her bottles, and try the rice cereal in between bottle feedings." We are excited to try!

Here is a great Solid Food Chart for Babies. He said most babies aren't ready for "solid" foods until 6 months of age, but we could start practicing with some green beans, apples, bananas or pears - mashed baby food of course.

Monday, July 8, 2013

She's got the sniffles :(

I almost cried leaving Lainey at daycare today. I didn't cry the first time I left her, but this time she was all tears with her stuffy nose, I just felt so bad!! She wants her mama! She got stuffy while we were up at the cabin. Not sure if allergies or just baby congestion... She cant blow it out of course, and so the mucus drips back into her throat and so she has a cough too. No temp though! My "Mom's Corner" forum says, "Allergies typically don't happen in babies till around age 2. Normally it takes a season or two them to develop if they get them. Use some saline nose drops first, and then the Nosefrida Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator to suck it all out. Also use a humidifier in her room while she sleeps and kept her head elevated." Tonight I am going to do just that and I hope she gets better REAL soon!!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

First Swim!

Today we went over to Kevin's friend, Nick Diederich's parents house, who have a pool, and Lainey "swam" for her first time!!

She didn't really know what to think of all the water, so she was pretty serious, but she didn't cry, so she must have liked it! Can't wait until she kicks her feet and splashes around :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Life as a new Mom

My days no longer consist of blogging, crafting, or cleaning...now its: feeding, burping, changing diapers, soothing, cuddling, reading, pumping, washing bottles and keeping track of how many times she eats, poops & pees in a day. And once I am done with all that..I do it all over again! I am learning to do things one handed (an one eyed) (yes, I am typing this post with one hand, so it's going to be short) and I don't get to shower or eat breakfast until noon. Yet I am still determined to get something checked off my "To Do List" by the end of this maternity leave! Who wants to come babysit so I can clean out my closet!?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lainey's Newborn Essentials

Throughout my pregnancy I followed Lucie's List to know what I needed to prepare for a newborn baby. But now here is my list of the things I have found to be the necessities I love:

Onesies - plain white, short sleeve, worn everyday under her sleepers and sometimes under her regular outfits. The Longsleeve ones are great too, to wear to bed under her swaddle at night, and they have the mitt cuffs that keep her hands warm and so she cant scratch her face (because its hard to clip their nails).
Hats - Babies lose heat through their heads. The nurses put a hat on her the second she came out. Now she just wears one at night, since Kev turns the temp down so cold. Her head is so tiny though, so make sure you get the smallest newborn size.
Mittens - Lainey scratches her face every time she cries. I have even filed her nails and she still scratches, so she wears these mitts all day. Plus her little hands are always cold.
Sleepers - Every brand is different in how it fits. Lainey is tiny and doesn't fit into many of the newborn sleepers I have...the generic Babies R Us ones are smaller than their Carter's ones, although Carter's are softer and nicer. Some newborn Baby Gap ones fit too. You really have to wash them up and see how they shrink. I was told the zip ones are best because you don't wanna be button-ing in the middle of the night, however, I am finding the button ones to be better because you can just unbutton the bottom half to change the diaper and leave them warm in the top half...duh!
Halo SleepSack Swaddle - The hospital sent us home with one, and I got a few at my showers. I am not a fan of them, because I hate tying baby down in a straight-jacket, and the velcro is annoying, but I guess she likes it because its like the womb, and then she doesn't startle herself awake.
Boppy - This has been #1 in getting its use! We got the naked one (along with the water resistant cover) and 2 cute jersey cotton covers. I use it to help me hold her to nurse and we prop her in it for naps or just to chill on the couch with us.
Boppy Tummy Play Pad - This is the perfect size boppy for newborn tummy time!!
Fisher-Price My Little Lamb Platinum Edition Cradle 'n Swing - So soft and comfy, 3 ways to rock, 10 sounds (nature & songs), 6 speeds, and a starlight light show...Best swing ever!!
Avent Bottles - This is just the brand I chose because I was familiar with them from other friends using them. I have (7) 4oz bottles and (7) 9oz bottles. And right now we're using the size 1 - newborn release nipples. Lainey latched on right away!
Bottle Warmer - At first we didn't have one of these, because I wanted to try feeding her cold milk, silly me, well, she will take it chilly, but not cold cold. So we bought one of these cheap ones from Target and it works pretty well. Only 2 minutes to heat up a 2-3oz bottle, rather than trying to heat in a pot on the stove. Not sure if you can heat in microwave... With formula, we just use warm water from faucet.
Bottle Drying Rack - This one sits nice on the counter and slightly tilted for water to drain forward. We use this all day, as we ae going through 8-10 bottle a day. We also have this one cuz its bigger.
Burp Cloths - I like these diaper burp cloths from Babies R Us (or the Target Gerber ones) best because they soak up right away and they are soft on baby's face. You'll need lots as they spit up!
Medela In Style Breastpump - I got this one for free through our insurance (thanks Obama) but it's super easy to use and quick...I pump 4oz in 4 minutes.
Hands Free Breastpump Bra - This is slick for being hands-free when you pump, however, it only takes me 4 minutes to pump, so its not like I can't just hold the bottles in place for that long. But if you pump longer, it is nice to be comfortable and hands-free, and this works great!
Lansinoh Nipple Cream - Yes, you will get sore cracked nipples until they get use to being sucked on. I even cut open vitamin E capsules to help me heal.
Nursing Pads - Lansinoh or Medela, any kind will really work. There's washable ones too.
THERA PEARL Hot or Cold Breast Therapy  - This helped me get through engorgement!!!
Arm's Reach Mini Co-Sleeper - This is what we are using for a bassinet because I didn't want a huge pack-n-play in our bedroom, plus this fits better in our room at the cabin. I love how its the same height as our bed, so its easy to reach over and soothe her. She feels right next to me.
Soundspa Lullaby Sound Machine - Rain and ocean sounds helps put Lainey to sleep. And the projector gives her something to look at, like a mobile, and it can be moved to anywhere in the house.
Cloud B Sleep Sheep - This stuffed animal sound machine is great too for on the go.
Hair Brush - Lainey loves her hair washed, because its a nice head massage, and then loves the feeling of this soft brush :)
Aveeno Baby Lotion - Her hands and feet have dry skin (or vernix)...she loves a little massage!
Forehead Thermometer - We love this thermometer, it is so easy as to a quick swipe over her forehead. They say, if its over 100, get a 2nd opinion by doing the butt one too.
Pampers Swaddlers - The yellow stripe down the middle turns blue when you know the diaper is wet! Don't forget to fold the front over until the cord falls off!
Waterproof Changing Pad Liners  - We've found these come in handy because sometimes she pees right when we take her diaper off, and it goes all over the changing pad...so unless you want to wash the cover over and over again, I suggest you get some of these.
Diaper Dekor - This works great...locks in the smell but fills up fast, as we go through 10-12 diapers a day (I hear it'll get down to about 8/day but right now she poops again once she gets a new one on!)
3M Avagard D Hand Sanitizer with Moisturizer - My mom picked us up some of this from her hospital and it works great to have next to the changing station...sanitizing with a moisturizer is key!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hospital Bag

For those of you pregnant, nearing your last month...the anticipation stinks, and you'll probably get anxiety about when you're gonna go and how your labor story is going to be. As you are trying to pack your hospital bag, you think to yourself what do I bring to make myself feel comfortable? Well, nothing about delivery is comfortable...but I did the typical, goggled Hospital Bag Checklist and thought to myself, I am going to look retarded walking in with 5 bags of crap! Haha! So I then asked around to friends who just recently had babies about what they brought, used or wished they had. I packed a little each week, starting at week 35, and when my water broke at 38 weeks 2 days, I still had time to finish packing. So don't worry about it too much. Here's my list after I experienced it...

Typical stuff already in your purse:
· Wallet, ID & insurance card · Cell phone & charger · Glasses & eye drops · Chapstick · Makeup bag (at least your compact, eyelash curler & mascara - to look alive) · Digital camera & charger · Change for vending machines (when café is closed)

For Momma:
· Sweatpants & zip up (you can wear home the same thing you wore in, if you didn’t dirty it, because you change into hospital gown the second you get there) · Tennis shoes/crocs/slippers/flip flops (whatever is easiest, you really don’t get out of bed much) · Comfy T-shirt or tank top (to wear home) · Shorts/Capris (to get ready in after you bath) · Socks (however, they gave me a grippe pair that I really liked) · Dove bar of soap (because hospital soap is dry) · Shampoo & Conditioner · Toothbrush & Toothpaste · Deodorant · Hair Brush (ahhh its amazing to brush through your hair after labor) · Ponytail holders/headband · Lotion (for after your bath, its real dry in hospitals)

· Birthing plan (the nurse will ask about your preferences) · Snacks (cheez-its, granola bars, animal crackers, raisinets) · DVD movie (there isn’t anything on daytime TV) · iPod docking station (if you want to play your own music - I didn't) · Pillow & blanket (for husband to sleep with or just bring your own pillow case) · Comfy cloths for husband to sleep in, and or T-shirt, shorts & boxers for husband to change on day 2 (although, Kevin went home quick to shower and came back)

For Baby:
· I brought this stuff in the diaper bag · A couple newborn onesies or T-shirts (careful around belly button) · Mittens (they scratch their face!) · Newborn hat (they’ll put one on right when he/she comes out, but if you want a cuter one) · Receiving blanket (you’ll use theirs but we brought one home for the dog to smell) · Baby blankey (to snuggle up in car seat to go home) · Outfit for baby to wear home (think of what size they'll truly be, and they will be cold no matter what the season is) · Baby book (if you want the nurse to stamp their feets on page) · Notepad & pen (to record labor story and gifts people bring) · Car seat (leave in car until time to go home)

You Don’t Need:
· Robe (they gave me a nice warm soft robe to keep) · Large underwear (you’ll wear the large hospital shorts-undies they provide you with, along with their “diaper” pads and ice packs, and they'll give you some to go home with) · Nursing bra or tank top (you’ll wear the hospital gown the whole time, easier for skin-to-skin) · Shower Towel (I took a bath once right before going home and their towels were fine) · Nipple cream (your nipples won’t be dry & cracked yet) · Maxipads (have medium and light flow ones for when you get home) · Diapers & wipes (they give you all you need and you take home what you don’t use) · A bottle (you’ll only be nursing the first 2 days, or they’ll give you what you need) · Burp cloths (she never really spit up yet) · A pacifier (we brought our own, the soothie ones were too big for her) · Breast pump (if you need to pump in the hospital they will provide one)

**A friend of mine that delivered at the same hospital a month before me said, "You really don't need to bring anything. They have it all there for you!" Which I was like, "Yeah right, I need my own stuff." But really, they do have everything. They took care of me very well :)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

1st week as new parents...

We checked out of the hospital after we got our 24 hour clearance. We didn't want to sleep in the hospital another night and were super excited to bring Lainey home to meet Colbie! However, from the picture below, she wasn't happy about the car seat, but once we started moving she was sound asleep :)
Our first night home was the hardest. Lainey hated her diaper changed and didn't like any ounce of her skin exposed to air, she screamed bloody murder...being in the womb for so long, babies have a rough time adjusting to the outside temperature. And she didn't want to be put down to sleep in her bassinet. I was exhausted, and needed sleep badly...I took the first shift, and Kevin the second. He took her out to the living room and got her to sleep in her swing around 3am, while he slept on the couch. We finally got about 3 hours of shut eye.

Thursday (4/25) we were zombies! We went in to see the pediatrician, since we left the hospital so quick (24 hours) they wanted us to follow-up to check her weight and check her risk of jaundice. Her weight was now 5lbs 8oz (typical loss of 5% birth weight) and her jaundice level came back real low, so there was no concern. I hated watching her get her little foot pricked. Her thyroid level came back good too!

Lainey did well latching on to breastfeed right from the start in the hospital, however, as days went on, as she would drink, she'd stop & start, fall asleep or startle herself, and wouldn't re-open wide enough to latch back on correctly, she just wanted to keep sucking, which hurt very badly! By Friday (day 4) my milk came in and by Saturday I was extremely engorged. Holy cow engorgement is painful!! As Kevin would say, I went from a "B" to a "D" over night. It feels like rocks inside! It hurt so bad I was sick to my stomach! Kevin went to Target and got me a cheap manual pump (since an electronic pump isn't covered under our insurance until June 1). The manual pump worked very well actually. Took me only about 8 minutes to drain out both sides...a workout for my forearms :)

Lainey took my breast milk in a bottle right away - Avent bottles. Since then, I have been strictly pumping and bottle feeding. This has helped me get through engorgement, and easier for us to switch off feedings, and during the days, we have been having so many visitors, its been nice that I don't have to step away to nurse. It has also allowed me to heal. I knew these first couple of days as a new mom were going to be hard taking care of a newborn baby... sleepless nights, crying,  pooping, peeing, soothing, bathing, feeding...but I didn't realize how much healing I have to do for myself as well. I am not use to using my abs again yet, and sitting on my tailbone hurts, my "birthing area" is still healing. So needless to say, its hard to move about, but each day gets better and better. Warm baths are awesome - if you can find time! Kevin goes back to work tomorrow...

Friday, April 26, 2013

Bath Time

She doesn't like being cold, wet & naked, but she loves the head massage of getting her hair washed!
Look at all my fluffy hair!!! Just like Daddy :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Lainey Mae Raasch has arrived!!!

Kevin and I are pleased to announce the arrival our sweet baby girl, Miss Lainey Mae!! She was welcomed into this world, perfectly happy & healthy, on April 23, 2013 at 6:18pm, weighing 5lbs 14oz, and 19-3/4in long. She is just a little peanut...we are soo in love!!
My Labor Story:
2:00am  My water broke over night
7:30am  Woke up wet, mucus plug?/membranes in toilet - TMI sorry
8:30am  Brownish blood on pad - TMI sorry
9:00am  Called nurse line - I'll be there in an hour :)
10:40am  Admitted at St Francis Hospital
11:20am  Swabbed for amniotic fluid & was dilated to 1+ and 85% effaced
11:40am  Confirmed water has broken
11:45am  Moved to delivery room
12:00pm  Met Dr. Druckman (my Dr. Nelson was off for the day)
12:15pm  Started IV fluids, contractions were 3-4 mins apart, pain = 2
12:40pm  Started Pitocin
2:00pm  Contractions got stronger, pain = 4
2:30pm  Still dilated only to a 1+ and 85% effaced
3:30pm  Contractions 3mins apart, lasting 60-90 seconds, pain = 6
4:00pm  Got into bath tub (helps body relax and dilate)
4:40pm  Got out of bath tub, contraction super strong, pain = 8
4:50pm  Dilated to 10 - complete!! Told can't get epidural, pain = 10
5:00pm  Anesthesiologist gave intrathecal (lasts 2 hours)
5:05pm  Started pushing
6:10pm  Baby crowning
6:18pm  BABY!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Baby Shower #5 - Coworkers

My coworkers threw me a baby shower at work today!  We had cake and I got some really nice things - sippy cups, bowls, toys, rattles, first aid kit, bumbo tray, blankets, couple outfits, and a few more books! So nice of them!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

36 Week OB Appt

At todays OB Appt, I am 36 weeks & 4 days. Again I was put on the NST machine to listen to baby's heartbeat. She sounded great - heart rate ranging from 130-140. But baby was a bit sleepy. Funny how she is moving all the time, and when I get to the Dr and get up on the table and hooked to the machine, she falls asleep. The nurse had to zap my belly a few times to wake her up. Of course, then she got hiccups like she always does. So cute! Then I got a Tdap shot, because even though a tetanus is good for 10 years, they now want every pregnant woman to get one during their pregnancy because of the whooping cough outbreak. And they want Kevin and grandparents to get it too - anyone that is going to be around baby a lot in the first 3 months, because baby doesn't get the shot until then. And she measured my belly to be at 35 weeks, and I am still at 126lbs, so haven't gained anymore weight since my last appt...guess I am just having a small baby, thank goodness! She did the strep B test on me, and checked my cervix. I am not dilated or anything yet, but she did feel baby's head and said she is way down there! So I have offically dropped, and baby is in the birth canal. Yippee!! I said, "yeah I know, I can feel her fluttering down there, in my pubic area, like she's try to swim out," hahaha!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Meet Westin

Our friends, Andy & Lisa Smith, had their baby boy, Westin Scott on March 16 (a week late) weighing 8lbs 3oz and 20in long! He is so handsome!!!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

One of my high school girlfriends, Kali (Teel) Kasprzyk, who lives in Sarasota, Florida, (miss her mucho!) had a baby girl, Mila Marie, on Feb 11 (10 days early) weighing 7.5lbs and 21in long! She is an adorable little peanut! I crafted her this cute swimsuit onesie that I saw on Pinterest (of course), however, it can also just be bought on Etsy for $21, although I wanted to try making it myself :) It took a while to cut my own pattern that looked right, but it was easy to iron on with fabric adhesive, and then I sewed around the edges (so it'll last in the wash), and added the ribbon and bows!
I'll have to make one for my little sunbathing beauty too when she comes...however, looks like I need to adjust the pattern for the bottoms, so it looks like it sits lower on the waist and wraps around the diaper better. It was tough that I didn't have my own baby model while making it, to be able to test it on, hahaha! But it still turned out pretty dang cute! Enjoy Mila!!! xoxo

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Baby Shower #3 - My family

Baby Room ALL Finished!!!

I am 33 weeks, and thanks to my aunt hosting a baby shower for me at our house over the weekend, I was forced to finish the baby's room! Well, not forced, but I wanted to show it completed, and it was a good timeline for me to get it done, so now I can just sit and relax (in our newly finished basement too!) :) There are, of course, a couple more things I'd still like to make for the room (memo board, liners for the baskets, and cover the railgaurd in purple) but those aren't urgent...It's looking great already, and I am so proud I did it all with only one eye, hehehe!

I finally finshed and hung the Pom Pom "Mobile", and got my childhood bedtime prayer blown up on a canvas...
I sewed the curtains, from an idea I saw on Pinterest that took me to this site Better Homes, however there wasnt a tutorial to follow so I kinda had to figure it out on my own. I used a white king size sheet from Walmart, to make 2 panels, then used the left over white fabric to make ruffles and then some of the dark purple to match the crib skirt. My girlfriends helped me create the alphabet wall. I bought all the paper mache letters from Hobby Lobby and paint and scrapbook paper from Michael's. The girls painted the edges, traced the letter on the paper and glued it on. I hung the letters with poster putty. The fancy frame above the bed is not completed yet. It will have baby's initial...
Above the dresser is the collage wall...a place for her cute newborn shoes, her growing foot prints, her birth announcement, her hospital bracelet, the "Little Miss Muffet" nursery rhyme (because my Grandpa Quinn called me Miss Muffet!) and Colbie's paw print for sisterly love! I also made another changing pad cover using that cute, soft, polka dot minky fabric! And look how full the closet is already getting :)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

NST - Baby's Heatbeat

Today we had our 32 week OB appt. Dr Nelson performed the non-stress test, measuring baby's heatrate and movement for 20 minutes. It ranged from 132-137, which is just perfect! She got hiccups during it too...pretty cute! My doctor said that due to my thyroid issues, we will do this stress test once a week from now til delivery.

Monday, March 11, 2013


How Far Along: 32 weeks
Total Weight Gain: 26lbs (weighing in at 124lbs)
Belly Circumference: 36"
Nausea: I feel it starting to come back a little. I am often saying "I don't feel good", kinda sick to my stomach and have headaches, probably because I am not eating enough, so I again have to start eating small meals more often throughout the day.
Mood Swings: I get impatient real easily. So sorry Kevin!! But I just gotta do what I wanna do when I need to do it...which is of course a challenge when pregnant. Some days I still cry about my eye because its still such a long road to normalcy, while at other times I hide it with my happiness of all the things I have accomplished in the bay's room and Kevin finishing the basement - so excited to have it all finished!!
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular lately... at the airport, I did crave licorice. And I have to say, I use to be a huge fan of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese (people would joke I eat it 4 times a week) but I cant stand the taste of it now. I have to eat Velveeta or the Sharp Cheddar Deluxe kind, HA!
Other Symptoms: I often get short of breath and I've been noticing I breathe harder, even just while sitting still or laying down. I walk slower and its hard to bend over and put on my socks and shoes. I need slip ons! I 've been having some trouble sleeping, only because I am up every 2 hours to pee, and then its hard to get comfortable again with this big belly. It's even hard just to sit up to get out of bed because my abs don't work the same. Moving around and getting ready...everything is such a process and takes longer. The baby kicks A LOT! All day long. Well, not like fast kicks, but you'll see her foot poke out my left side, and then her butt will bulge out on my right side. Kevin loves feeling her. It's still just so weird to him that a human is growing inside me...and for me too, but I already have a cennection with her since she's in my belly :) She is definitely out growing her space. She has hiccups often! Kinda cool, but then annoying cuz you cant stop them, haha.
Miss Anything: Yes, beer. I am not a big drinker, but I love happy hours with friends and cant wait for some warm, sunny patio time and a Mich Golden Light with olives - a Minnesota martini its called!!! And of course my vision, and to be pretty again!
Sleep Time: I have been getting real tired often again. I would love a nap by 2pm, and or in bed by 8pm...but I am always busy with something, so I find myself pushing on. Busy-bee!
My Exercises: Still doing Shiatsu once a week and a massage at Massage Envy once a month.
Fun Moment Since Last Update: The baby shower my girlfriends put on for me. They did such an awesome job with it all...all the decorations, crafts and games. I loved seeing everyone!
Gender Idea: Girl
Maternity Clothes: Of course. I bought a few shorts and capris for Florida and didn't even get to wear them because it was kinda windy and chilly most days. Maybe wear them in April? If this snow ever goes away!??
Labor Signs: None. I haven't even felt any Braxton hicks since that one week...
Looking Forward To: Our 32 week appt this Thursday. We'll have a non stress test done, so we get to listen to baby's heart beating for 20 minutes straight, to hear how active she is. And then of course my family baby shower this Sunday! Eeeeeee!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Baby Shower #2 - Girlfriends

Today my besties (Brianna, Serena, Courtney & Danielle) threw me a baby shower with all my favorite girlfriends!! They did an amazing job with it all...from the decorations, to the crafts, to the brunch food and the games. We got so much baby stuff, I don't even know what to do with it all!
Serena made door decor with pages from a old book that had purple pictures...neat idea!
Party favors were bottles filled with cookie mix. And write a message in a diaper...
Delicious cupcakes from Stacy and fruit tart from Brianna!
Craft 1: Make a baby head band.
Craft 2: Design a letter for baby's room alphabet wall.
Prego's: Carrie had Cole Jan 1, Lisa = March 9, Megan = April 15, Me = May 5, Marlowe = May 24
Toys to hang from her car seat.
Very cute "Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site" book for Kevin, from Marlowe & Todd.
The Diaper Dekor from the Evenson's, and the Cradle'n'Swing from my Mom
Adorable coral dress and shoes from Baby Gap from Brianna...my fav!
And Brianna crafted a purple tutu!!!
Celebrity Baby Bump game...Courtney photoshopped my head on celebrity bodies - hilarious!
The hostesses being silly with my belly...
LOVE you girls! Thanks for throwing such a beautiful shower!!
We are overwhelmed and blessed with so many gifts. Colbie is excited too!
Had to put together the "My Little Lamb" swing :)