Thursday, April 11, 2013

36 Week OB Appt

At todays OB Appt, I am 36 weeks & 4 days. Again I was put on the NST machine to listen to baby's heartbeat. She sounded great - heart rate ranging from 130-140. But baby was a bit sleepy. Funny how she is moving all the time, and when I get to the Dr and get up on the table and hooked to the machine, she falls asleep. The nurse had to zap my belly a few times to wake her up. Of course, then she got hiccups like she always does. So cute! Then I got a Tdap shot, because even though a tetanus is good for 10 years, they now want every pregnant woman to get one during their pregnancy because of the whooping cough outbreak. And they want Kevin and grandparents to get it too - anyone that is going to be around baby a lot in the first 3 months, because baby doesn't get the shot until then. And she measured my belly to be at 35 weeks, and I am still at 126lbs, so haven't gained anymore weight since my last appt...guess I am just having a small baby, thank goodness! She did the strep B test on me, and checked my cervix. I am not dilated or anything yet, but she did feel baby's head and said she is way down there! So I have offically dropped, and baby is in the birth canal. Yippee!! I said, "yeah I know, I can feel her fluttering down there, in my pubic area, like she's try to swim out," hahaha!

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