Friday, November 30, 2012

Swollen Eye :(

Not only have I been experiencing blurry vision, but now I woke up this morning with my right eye all swollen!! I called my OB Dr and she said it’s most likely not a pregnancy symptom and that I should call the eye Dr. So I did, and tried to schedule an appointment but had to leave a message for the triage nurse to call me back to figure out what’s needed. When she called back, she said she thinks it sounds like I may have a start of a stye or chalazin in my right eye and that’s why its swollen. She suggested warm compresses (wet wash cloth in the microwave for 20 seconds), 3-4 times a day should help drain it. She is thinking that I may also have dry eyes from being pregnant and because of the season (and turning the heat on in the house), but the two are separate from one another, so to continue the eye drops as well. If all doesn’t get better in a week, then to make an appointment and they may need to go in and drain it out. Lets hope it gets better…

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