Sunday, September 23, 2012


How Far Along: 8 weeks 
Total Weight Gain: 6lbs (I was only 98lbs when I got pregnant, so I definitely needed to gain some!) 
Nausea: I am nauseous all day every day! It really sucks. Well, you get nauseous when you are hungry or tired and I am hungry and tired all the time!! So I have had to snack a lot, on little things because I get full fast, but then it only holds me over for maybe an hour. I even get nausea from just seeing a food commercial on TV, or Kevin listing off different options for dinner. Pizza is never on my list, sorry babe. Any strong scents make me nauseous too, and my nose can smell everything! Thankfully, I am not throwing up…yet! Hopefully I never do. Although, there are some times I feel I am holding back...if I want to the bathroom and stuck my head in the toilet, I probably would throw up. But I truly try to suck it up and push through my days. 
Mood Swings: I am honestly not the most fun person to be around these days. I get irritated easily because I can’t be doing all the things I want to be doing because I don’t feel good. I dont like not being in control of my own body :( 
Food Cravings: pickles, cereal and lots of ginger ale because it helps with the nausea.
Other Symptoms: I have to pee all the time, even if its not very much...I get up 3 times a night to go! My boobs are sore, all the way into my armpits. I’m gasy (which is uncomfortable, because Kevin thinks girls don’t fart, so I am usually trying to burp it out). And acne! I am breaking out like I’m in junior high all over again! All these body and hormone changes are definitely tough to get use to. 
Miss Anything: Michelob Golden Light with olives and turkey sandwiches from Subway/Jimmy John’s/Quiznos (can’t eat processed meat unless its heated up to steam off the listeria)  
Sleep Time: I start yawning a lot in the afternoon, during the second half of my work day. I am real tired around 5pm when I drive home from work. I get a little bit of a second wind when I get home because I always need to do house chores (laundry, dishes, vacuum dog hair, and thank goodness Kev enjoys cooking dinner most nights). After dinner, I am on the couch sleeping by 7:30/8pm. Kev usually watches his shows and then we get in to bed by 10pm.  
My Exercises: Nothing. I know, I really need to start, but it’s hard because its never been part of my normal routine, and now with always feeling nauseous and tired, it’s hard to force myself to. 
Fun Moment Since Last Update: Hearing the baby’s heartbeat!!
Gender Idea: Girl...only because I have always said I want a boy first, so I bet I get a girl first…but honestly either is perfectly fine with us! Kevin thinks boy. But so far we have more girl name ideas than boys.
Maternity Clothes: Nope, I will wear bigger sizes before I pay for maternity stuff. Although I might need one of those waistband things…because I often have to unbutton my pants throughout the day because they are uncomfortably digging into my stomach.  
Labor Signs: No way, too soon, thank goodness. 
Looking Forward To: Our first real doctors appointment!!


  1. What a great idea to track your progress! Are you going to keep the same bullet points throughout? Fun!! And I agree with you, think it's a girl ;-)

  2. Yeah, I stole the idea from Carrie's blog! She posts it once a month I believe. I changed the topics around a little bit, but yeah, I thought it was a great way to remeber how symptioms, thoughts and feeling change throughout the 9 months :)
